Espresso Love

The Espresso Book Machine (EBM) was invented in 1999 by American publisher Jason Epstein.  Some have described it as an “ATM for books.” It could be the biggest game-changer for authors, publishers, speakers and entrepreneurs since Gutenberg invented moveable type or Robert de Graff introduced the paperback book in 1939.

The EBM prints, collates, covers and binds a single book in a few minutes. It is small enough to fit in a retail book store or small library room – and, as such, is targeted toward them. It was a Time magazine invention of the year. It can potentially allow readers to obtain any book title, even books that are out of print. The machine takes a PDF file for input – and prints, binds and trims the reader’s selection as a paperback book.

Talk about “hot off the press!” It grabs the file of the text, the book cover and then spits them out – warm as toast.

It seems to be changing the publishing world, which has been in a state of flux for quite some time. So continues the democratization for readers and writers.

Epstein is legendary in the publishing industry. He served as editorial director at Random House for 40 years and pioneered the trade paperback format. He also co-founded the New York Review of Books and The Library of America. The EBM is just another example of American ingenuity. Ben Franklin would be proud.

Who knows? Maybe the local bookshop will even return. After all, with this thing, you could potentially walk into the store and have access to millions of titles.

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According to The Wall Street Journal, the American Booksellers Association says the number of independent booksellers has grown in ranks from 1410 to 1712 since 2010. Likewise, the number of locations has grown from 1660 to 2227. Even Amazon is getting into the act, opening up bricks and mortar stores.

To find a location that houses one of these units, go to

This invention kind of gives new meaning to the statement that someone is going to the bookstore to grab an espresso.

What are your thoughts on this machine? Is it about to hit its stride?


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